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Transform your vision into living enthusiasm

You have the vision and the strategy for the future - we bring it to life. We ensure that your concepts and campaigns are not only implemented, but become a living reality.

In doing so, we strengthen your corporate culture because transformation is always a question of culture.

Find out how you can inspire your employees and customers worldwide with your vision.


Shaping the future: Activate change

In a world full of challenges - digital transformation, AI, sustainability goals, rising customer expectations, pressure to innovate - forward-looking strategies and visions are essential for companies. Yet 70% of all transformation strategies fail due to a lack of leadership, unclear goals, resistance from employees and inadequate communication.

We support you in sustainably and efficiently activating your future strategies and successfully shaping change. At Creating Future, we make your visions tangible.

Our experience-based activation campaigns inspire and motivate your employees and customers, increase your return on investment, and perfectly complement the work of your consultants. We guarantee success through tangibility, creativity and innovative solutions, as well as interactive and integrative communication - even in virtual space.

Rely on our expertise to implement your future strategies efficiently and sustainably. Let's shape change together - the future starts now.

Discover Who We've Grown With Together!

Creative. Direct. Effective. This is how we activate change sustainably and with inspiration.

Are you responsible for your company’s transformation?

As a CEO, Head of HR, Organizational Effectiveness, Corporate Communication, Marketing, or any other role responsible for driving transformations, do you strive for your vision to be passionately embraced by all stakeholders? Then you’re in the right place!

Learn how to make your corporate visions not only visible, but also tangible and vibrant, both internally and externally.

What We Do

We empower businesses to activate their future strategies sustainably and efficiently, ensuring successful transformations. 

At Creating Future, we specialize in transforming your vision into tangible realities, working collaboratively with your team and external consultants. Our approach is creative, inspiring, and sustainable.

Whether it's a kick-off for a new strategy like sustainability, artificial intelligence, corporate vision, values, product or service innovation, or a comprehensive global cultural shift, our methodologies are characterized by high interactivity, inspiring content, and a steadfast focus on future opportunities.

Discover our tailored, experience-based activation strategies designed to bring your visions to life and initiate lasting change.

Our Five-Phase Process

Our integrated, structured five-phase process effectively supports your transformation:


We develop a clear vision and inspiring story to guide the transformation. The first impression is crucial.



We deepen the understanding of changes through interactive methods.



We make the transformation tangible for all participants, focusing initially on the leadership team. This tangibility is essential for understanding the transformation, as it evokes emotions and deep comprehension.



We foster individual, emotional acceptance of the changes through targeted communication and support, highlighting the relevance of the change for each person, which is crucial for sustainable activation.



We ensure the permanent embedding of the new corporate culture through targeted activation campaigns, making the transformation an ongoing experience.


«People forget what you said, they forget what you did, but they will never forget the feeling you gave them».

– Maya Angelou
Daniel_Bartl Kopie
Dr. Daniel BartlHead of Leadership & Corporate Culture, Helvetia Versicherungen AG

"Creating Future quickly grasped the situation and overall development at Helvetia. Their ability to communicate complex topics clearly and effectively has greatly aided us in implementing our development strategy. We value their creative and innovative solutions, which have accelerated our transformation process."

Gerda SchwindtFormer Head of Group Human Resources, Glencore International Ltd.

"Andrejs's creativity and professionalism, along with his positive attitude even under pressure, have consistently impressed me. His commitment to the highest quality has exceeded our expectations year after year. The collaboration has been consistently excellent!"

Christof BuriHead of Marketing & Communications, LGT Group Holding

"Andrej inspires and moves people emotionally. As a creative thinker and valuable sparring partner, he has supported us with foresight in various projects. His expert team consistently sets new trends and brings innovative ideas."

Flavio Romerio
Dr. iur. Flavio RomerioManaging Partner, Homburger AG

"Andrej was an inspiring and reliable partner, guiding us throughout the entire project. His creativity and enthusiasm convinced us from the pitch to the project review, and he and his team executed every detail with the highest standards of quality". (The Happening Projekt)

Turn Passive Agreement into Active Engagement

Aktivieren Sie die Zukunft
mit Crafting Future

Unsere massgeschneiderten erlebnisbasierten Aktivierungsmassnahmen und Kampagnen sind darauf spezialisiert, Ihre Visionen effektiv zum Leben zu erwecken und nachhaltige Veränderungen zu initiieren. 

Ob es sich um einen Kick-off für eine neue Strategie wie Nachhaltigkeit, künstliche Intelligenz, Unternehmensvision, Werte, Produkt- oder Serviceinnovation oder einen umfassenden globalen Kulturwandel handelt, jeder unserer Ansätze zeichnet sich durch hohe Interaktivität, inspirierende Inhalte und eine konsequente Ausrichtung auf zukünftige Chancen aus. 

Visionäre Workshops und Führungstreffen


Optimieren Sie Ihre Führungsstrategien durch gezielte Managementmeetings, die darauf abzielen, Visionen zu schärfen und transformative Entscheidungen zu fördern.

Design Thinking & CreativeLab

Entfesseln Sie Kreativität durch unsere erlebnisbasierten Design Thinking Workshops oder tauchen Sie in unser CreativeLab ein, wo innovative Ideen in greifbare Lösungen verwandelt werden.

Unvergessliche Markenerlebnisse

Live, Virtuell, Immersiv

Gestalten Sie mit uns beeindruckende Markenerlebnisse, die Ihre Kernbotschaften verstärken und Ihre Zielgruppe nachhaltig beeindrucken. Von interaktiven Live-Events bis zu immersiven virtuellen Erlebnissen – wir machen Ihre Marke erlebbar.

Konferenzen und Kick-off Events


Seien Sie Vorreiter in Ihrer Branche durch Teilnahme an unseren Zukunftskonferenzen, die ein Forum für Austausch und Innovation bieten.

Kick-off Meetings

Setzen Sie den richtigen Startpunkt für neue Projekte mit Kick-off Meetings, die Ihre Teams inspirieren und auf ein gemeinsames Ziel ausrichten.

Zukunft gestalten mit dem FutureLab

Strategisches FutureLab für Führungskräfte

Im FutureLab bringen wir Vorstände und Geschäftsleitungen mit führenden Technologie-Vordenkern und Futuristen zusammen. Dieses exklusive Format ermöglicht es, zukünftige Trends zu verstehen, innovative Unternehmensstrategien zu entwickeln und sich selbst zu Experten zukünftiger Entwicklungen zu machen.

Andrej Isler FotoPi-10

Activate the Future
with Creating Future

Our Three Core Areas


Zukunft aktivieren

Aktivierungsmassnahmen und Kampagnen.


Zukunft denken

Executive Future Sessions, Management Meetings und FutureLabs.


Zukunft inspirieren

Zukunftkonferenzen, Mitarbeiterevents und Kulturstärkungsprogramme.

Activating Dynamic
Activating the Future

Ready to turn your visions and transformation projects into reality, but struggling with sustainable implementation and stakeholder engagement?
Our tailored activation campaigns bring your visions to life and ensure lasting impact. We employ the latest tools and strategies to inspire and permanently mobilize your stakeholders.

Our Solutions

Experience-Based Activation Campaigns: Interactive and immersive experiences that inspire and engage your stakeholders.

Live and Virtual Events: Events in both physical and virtual spaces for broad and sustainable engagement.

Metaverse and AI: Utilizing the Metaverse for immersive experiences and AI-based analytics for tailored strategies.

Sustainable Mobilization: Innovative approaches to anchor your messages permanently and initiate changes.

Holistic Communication Strategy

Multi-Channel Approach: Internal training, interactive and social media campaigns, and video productions for consistent messaging.

Interactive Experiences: Crafting events and activities in both physical and virtual spaces to make your visions tangible.

Metaverse Integration: Pioneering new communication forms and collaborative innovation spaces.

Sustainable Embedding: Continuous support and follow-up measures to ensure lasting change.

Results-Driven Approach

We blend innovative methods with proven practices to achieve your goals efficiently and sustainably. Let’s activate the future and bring your visions to life together.

Thinking in to out
Thinking Forward

Are you challenged to identify future trends and develop innovative strategies, but your management team struggles to spot and seize opportunities?
Our Executive Future Sessions and FutureLabs provide exclusive insights and collaborate with leading technology visionaries to transform visions into actionable strategies.

Executive Future Sessions:

Develop visions and explore future opportunities through inspiring events for board and executive teams.


Collaborate with top technology thought leaders and futurists to translate visions into concrete strategies and actions.

Innovative Workshops and Management Meetings:

Platforms for management to develop forward-looking ideas and strategies.

Inspiring impulse
Inspiring the Future

Do you want to inspire your employees and stakeholders with future-oriented topics but find low engagement with your company culture and projects?
Our employee events, future conferences, and culture enhancement programmes foster strong engagement and alignment with your future goals.

Inspiring Employee Events: Motivate and excite your employees about future-focused areas.
Future Conferences:

Organize internal and external conferences to prepare your company for future challenges.

Culture Enhancement Programmes:

Strengthen your corporate culture and promote a future-oriented mindset.


Discover how, even as a global company, you can effectively engage thousands of employees and customers with your transformation strategy.

Our Methodology:
The Actixx® Model

Driving Successful Change: Our Actixx® Model facilitates holistic and sustainable transformation in your organization while enhancing corporate culture and stakeholder engagement.

Check-box-full In-depth Transformations: We consider and integrate individual and collective needs, potentials, and core competencies through creative and playful approaches.  
Check-box-full Bridging Gaps: We assist in closing the gap between management expectations and employee engagement.  
Check-box-full AI-Powered Analytical Tools: We measure the cultural energy of your organization and capture qualitative, emotional, and individual data.  
Check-box-full Tailored Strategies: We develop strategies customized to the specific needs and emotions of your employees.  
PwC Conecting Thinking Campaign

Let's shape the future together and activate change

Case Studies of Our Activations

Activate the Future

Inspiration and Cohesion at an International Biochemical Company

The Brief:

A leading international biochemical company from Switzerland, specializing in agricultural products for challenging regions, sought to improve the perception and attitude of its employees and strengthen their pride. Despite its vital role in Africa, the company faced criticism regarding environmental and insect protection.
Creating Future devised an inspiring cultural empowerment campaign. It began with an “Africa Week” and a kick-off event showcasing the positive impacts of the company's products. A film crew documented the life of an African family, complemented by a digital gamification solution to deepen knowledge. Interactive workshops and digital experiences enhanced understanding and appreciation. A harvest festival symbolized success and bolstered employee pride, with management acting as ambassadors.

The Result:

The campaign significantly boosted employee morale and perception. Employees recognized the value of their work and felt motivated to make a positive global impact.

Activate the Future

Cultural Realignment Following the Merger of SWX, SIS, and Telekurs

The Brief:

Following the merger of SWX, SIS, and Telekurs, the company faced the challenge of aligning 2,500 employees in Switzerland and branch heads abroad with new values and visions, uniting three distinct corporate cultures under one vision.
We created the platform "Unlocking the Potentials" and launched a year-long campaign. An imaginative company map, workshops, and cross-team collaboration brought the vision to life emotionally. Rituals and management as facilitators helped integrate the new culture into daily work life.

The Result:

The innovative company map inspired all employees, enhanced integration, and led to sustainable improvements in employee retention.

Thinking Forward

Launching UBS's Leadership Strategy

The Brief:

UBS launched the "Leadership through Recognition, Empowerment, and Development" campaign to engage 550 operations managers worldwide.
We developed an urban construction platform to bring leadership and collaboration to life. Employees built a shared city on 54 construction sites within four hours. This experience fostered an understanding of networked work and increased commitment. A toolbox was developed to help management embed the new principles in daily operations.

The Result:

The campaign strengthened UBS's international communication culture. Employees experienced active leadership and developed skills for global collaboration.

Thinking Forward

Transforming Leadership Strategy at an International Insurance Company

The Brief:

A leading global insurance company aimed to modernize its leadership strategy and introduce a new service unit. The goal was for top management to not only understand agile principles, employee empowerment, and a customer-focused service culture, but to live them.
Creating Future launched an exciting campaign featuring a virtual “knowledge hotel” in the Metaverse for interactive training. The highlight was a management meeting in Switzerland, where 120 top managers ran a hotel according to the new leadership strategy. This hands-on practice fundamentally transformed their understanding of leadership.

The Result:

The intensive, practice-oriented training resulted in a strengthened corporate culture and team spirit, with managers internalizing the new concepts long-term.

Inspiring the Future

Strengthening Corporate Culture at LGT

The Brief:

LGT, a leading international private bank, sought to unite 1,300 employees from around the globe, emphasizing that great achievements are only possible together.
Andrej Isler, on behalf of x-act/Brand soul, crafted the inspiring concept of the LGT Company Song. In the months leading up to the event, employees participated in workshops with experts like Marc Sway, discovering and developing talents in singing, dancing, music, and stage design. On the event day, they performed the song, enhancing the sense of community and company values, culminating in a powerful group performance.

The Result:

The LGT Company Day significantly strengthened the sense of community and corporate values. Employees discovered and showcased their talents, reinforcing unity and pride.


Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam eine Erfolgsgeschichte schreiben, die weit über die üblichen Erwartungen hinausgeht.

Warum Creating Future?

Ihr Partner für die Umsetzung kultureller Transformationen und Visionen

Was bringt Creating Future?

Mit Creating Future erleben Ihre Teams, Führungskräfte und Kunden Transformation nicht nur, sie fühlen sie. Durch den Einsatz von Storytelling, Gamification und einem dynamischen Mix aus Live- und virtuellen Formaten machen wir die Ziele Ihrer Organisation nicht nur greifbar, sondern sichern deren langfristige Umsetzung.

Wir schaffen tiefe emotionale Bindungen und nachhaltiges Engagement auf allen Ebenen Ihrer Organisation. Unsere Lösungen sollen nicht nur informieren, sondern inspirieren, motivieren und aktivieren.

Setzen Sie auf Creating Future, um Ihre unternehmerischen Visionen zum Leben zu erwecken. Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam eine Zukunft gestalten, die nicht nur gedacht, sondern auch gefühlt und gelebt wird. Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam eine aktivere und inspirierende Zukunft schaffen, in der Ihre strategischen Visionen durch einzigartige und unvergessliche Erlebnisse realisiert werden.

Interaktive Live-Veranstaltungen und virtuelle Erlebnisse

Kombinieren Sie das Beste aus beiden Welten - die Unmittelbarkeit und Energie von Live-Veranstaltungen mit der Flexibilität und Reichweite digitaler Formate.

Datengetriebene Erlebnisgestaltung

Nutzen Sie KI-gestützte Analysen, um die Erfahrungen Ihrer Teilnehmer zu verstehen und zukünftige Veranstaltungen noch zielgerichteter und effektiver zu gestalten.

Engagierte Chatbots für das Eventmanagement

Unsere intelligenten Chatbots verbessern das Teilnehmererlebnis durch schnelle Antworten und effektive Problemlösungen in Echtzeit.

And Now, It's Your Turn!

Are you eager to make your corporate visions not only visible but also tangible and vibrant, overcoming any internal or external resistance? Let’s start with an initial, no-obligation conversation to explore how we can support your journey.

The Next Steps

15-30 Minute Introductory Call
45-60 Minute Intensive Exchange
Half-Day Workshop
Proposal Development
If our visions align, we embark together on a creative journey towards a successful future.
The( )Happening FotoPi Event-77-2

Frequently Asked Questions

What services does Creating Future offer?

We specialize in cultural transformations, vision, and strategy activation. We also organize management meetings, future conferences, and employee events to foster engagement and drive sustainable change.

How does Creating Future use artificial intelligence?

AI is utilized to develop bespoke learning experiences, analyse real-time data, and optimize communication within projects, ensuring measurable success in transformation initiatives.

What makes Creating Future's employee events unique?

Our events enhance team dynamics and strengthen corporate culture through interactive, engaging, and creative activities.

What transformation approach does Creating Future follow?

We employ a blend of proven methods and innovative approaches, such as storytelling and gamification, supported by the Actixx® model, to create tailored transformation processes.

What is the process for working with Creating Future?

Projects start with a thorough needs' analysis, followed by the development and implementation of targeted strategies. Monitoring and evaluation conclude the process to ensure success.

What role do future conferences play in Creating Future's offerings?

They serve as platforms for engaging and activating a broad range of stakeholders, facilitated by technologies that encourage interactive and creative participation.

How are Creating Future's services priced?

Our prices vary based on the project's scope and complexity. We offer tailored packages to meet specific client needs and goals, with attractive pricing models for campaigns or long-term projects.

How long does a transformation project typically last?

The duration can vary, typically ranging from a few weeks to several months, depending on the specific requirements and scope of the transformation.

Does Creating Future operate globally?

Yes, we offer our services worldwide and have extensive experience in delivering international projects, supported by a global network of experts.

What is the composition of the Creating Future team?

Our team comprises seasoned strategists, creative designers, technology experts, and project managers, all dedicated to delivering tailored and effective solutions.

What support does Creating Future provide to its clients?

We provide continuous support throughout the project, from initial planning to final evaluation, ensuring that all goals are met and expectations exceeded.

What sets Creating Future apart?

Creating Future stands out through the combination of experiential execution and advanced technology. We leverage innovative methods, including AI solutions when needed, to implement sustainable changes effectively. Our Actixx® Model enables us to plan, measure, and successfully execute complex transformations.